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Pezo presented their way of thinking and their work, which develops over a period of more than 20 years. The presentation highlighted their complex approach that moves between painting and architecture, to end up with what they themselves call 'architectonic art'. This includes extensive series of architectural and visual drawings, painting tests, often completed as large-scale independent works, and three-dimensional prototypes in a variety of scales and materials.
Their architecture, as well as their painting, is characterized by the use of typical, neutral shapes, the special management of which – with repetition, axial juxtaposition or deviation, movement of boundaries, variations of scale and proportions, sometimes extreme – frees them from banality and makes them intensely expressive. They insisted on their equal-neutral treatment of three parameters: the physical context, the operating program, and the material performance.
The architects presented two general categories of works: mostly temporary architectural-scale installations in public space or public interiors, in the context of architectural and other exhibitions around the world, and permanently built works from Chile and Spain. The first ones are aimed at redirecting the gaze towards the city and its monuments, as a whole or by parts. The latter, mainly hybrids of temporary residences and centers of artistic work in untouched remote locations, present the approach of the architects to the issues of spatial treatment, material formulation and realization of their works. They choose the absolutely necessary materials, the processing of which, minimal and rough, incorporates natural wear and tear as an element of architecture.
Projects presented included the early Casa Poli, the Raem, Arco, Cien, Guna, Rode, Gago and Loba residences in various locations in Chile, the Solo House in Matarraña, Spain, the INES Innovation Center in Concepción, Chile, the installations-pavilions Less in Canberra, Australia, Bell and Deci in Paris, 120Doors in Concepción, Mine in Denver, Vara at the 15th Venice Biennale, Echo in Milan, Blue in London, Urban Room in Hull and, of course, the extensive Luna complex House, completed in 2022.
The lecture was followed by a discussion between the two architects and Georgios Panetsos, editor of DOMa, and questions from the audience.